• Clearblue Plus Τεστ Εγκυμοσύνης 01 Τεμ.

Clearblue Early Detection Pregnancy Test 2 Pcs.



Early detection test, guaranteed by the world's leading diagnostic test company. Detect your pregnancy up to 6 days before the first day of delay.

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Results 6 days before the first day of delay.

When you want to know if you are pregnant, waiting the time to test can be difficult. Now with  Clearblue Early Detection Pregnancy Test, you can use it up to 6 days earlier than most commercially available tests.

Clearblue Early Detection Pregnancy Test:

-Can be used up to 6 days before the first day of delay, as it has the highest sensitivity in pregnancy tests.

-Easy to use. Ergonomic in shape, longer curved handle and wider color-changing absorbent tip.

-With unique Floodguard™  Technology, that helps reduce the No.1 reported cause of user error and makes it easier to use.

-Clear results. With the easy and clear results window, it shows you 2 lines if you are pregnant, 1 line if you are not.

- Accuracy above 99%. From the day the period is expected.

Package of 2 tests

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